Society has long since told women what beauty is. More often than not society or more specifically the men of society have encouraged the idea that women in their natural form is not beauty and now, thousands of years down the line, it has become the norm in our beauty regiments.
Women have painstakingly stuck to this standard that demands. With time and technology, new techniques have begun to embrace the old methods to produce new and easier ways in which will help us to achieve the feel of a baby dolphin. All jokes though, some of these methods are a god send compared to the more risky methods such as shaving.
Men love the look of a perfectly trimmed woman but they are usually surprised when they find out the amount of work that goes into maintaining this state. One of the most common methods used is waxing. Come to think of it any person who voluntarily has wax strips pulled from their body might be considered crazy but sadly this is one of the preferred methods mainly due to the fact that it not only reduces growth but it also falls within the realm of affordability, something most beauty treatments do not do.
Though waxing provides with an affordable option, what it does not offer is a pain free option and for those with a growth that can only be credited back to our Neanderthal cousins and would put most men to shame, this method is not very pleasant. However, there is a solution to that along with other benefits such as growth reduction and frequency of treatments as far as 3 months apart- if you’re lucky. Intense Pulse Light or IPL hair removal equipment uses high frequencies of concentrated beams aimed at the hair follicles to reduce its pigmentation. How it works is that it peels away the pigmentation layer by layer and over the course of 8 or 9 sessions, there can be a reduced growth seen.
However, this should not be confused with microdermabrasion machine which is the more expensive yet more effective option which essentially uses a similar method of concentrated beams aimed at hair follicles, however, here the intensity of the beam is so high that is it able to penetrate even the courses of follicles which results in a stronger reduced growth and continued treatments results in permanent stop of growth. However as said before, this treatment is one of the more expensive ones with a reputable parlour charging above 500 dollars for a single treatment. But on the plus side, it has the best record of growth reduction. When it comes to selecting the best option for you, what you need to consider is what you are personally looking for. Once you know what that is, these are a few of the options available for you.
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